Sacred Kahuna Massage

Duration: 120min

Cost: 60 USD

Sacred Kahuna Massage is known under many different names like Lomi Lomi or Sacred Temple and it is one of the most profound forms of massage, introduced for the first time in Nepal at Purna Yoga Retreat. Sacred Kahuna is much more than a massage, it is a powerful bodywork technique that comes from the ancient practices of Hawaiian and Polynesian shamans. In the past this massage has been performed as a rite of passage for the ones coming of age and as a ritual for the rulers, before they were about to make important decisions or in transitional stages of life. It is said that the receiver of the massage is able to connect deeper within the self and access their innate wisdom as a result of this powerful bodywork.

Today this technique is often referred to as the "loving hands" massage and this is a very accurate description of the essence of Lomi Lomi. The therapist works intuitively with the client, using long flowing strokes with their forearms and hands to massage the entire body top to toe and the rhythmic rocking motion of the strokes can be described as a sensation of being washed over by gentle waves. The therapist moves around the massage table in a dance like fluid motion and this is said to facilitate free and uninhibited flow of energy between the giver and the receiver, bringing about balance and harmony. This bodywork also includes stretches, joint rotation, under body and full body strokes that bring the receiver into a state of complete surrender and ultimate relaxation. Each session of Sacred Kahuna massage is unique and it is led intuitively by the therapist who tunes in to the individual, hence no two massage sessions will ever be identical.

Sacred Kahuna is much more than just a physical experience, it facilitates healing on mental, emotional and spiritual levels and it takes you on a journey of self- discovery. Many people report the experience of feeling profound acceptance of self and letting go of unresolved issues that had been there for a long time. On a psychological and emotional level, this kind of bodywork can help to release fear and anxiety and gain better emotional stability.

Lomi Lomi infuses the spirit of "Aloha" and "Namaste" into the massage experience and it encompasses the receiver with loving touch, which is innocent and pure, which is of complete acceptance, tolerance, non-judgment, appreciation, respect and deep compassion for another human being on their own unique life journey.

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Purna Yoga Retreat Centre
Sedi Bagar, Lakeside, Pokhara, Nepal
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